About Us
it was totally word of mouth that plunged us into establishment lol, I didn't have a vision of owning a business. I didn't have a business plan or steps 1, 2, 3 out of a book. No. it was all fun for me. Meeting people from all around the world and showing them my beautiful island, that's literally how it started.
the work became so much I needed help, so I got some family members to help out and bam, there I was, legalizing a business in travel and transportation.
Now, the name Bigmama is unique, to say the name made me smile. Bigmama came from the inside, when I came in the business in 2008, there were so many bahama mamas, I was nah, I'm not a bahama mama, I am Bigmama, the ones that takes care of everyone, the one that will give you some hot chocolate when your sad, or a big fat hug and smile. the one that will talk to you like I've known you for years, the one that will show you love like a family member or dear friend.
this business has strived on love, love is the key, through my years of touring I've meet so many people and lives I've touched not even knowing, until they write back after they've left.
one lady told me, she and her sister was to take the tour coming from the cruise, her sister died from cancer and she still came on the cruise. she said her sister would have wanted her to. She said that I made her day that she was sad before coming, but I cheered her up and was happy she came. I never knew that until she wrote me back on that.
another young lady traveling with her mother, when she came to me I could see she was down and out. I did what I do, love on her, did my tour, try to make her comfortable. when they got back the mom wrote how the lady was suicidal and struggled with depression, I can go on and on with stories
we never know who we would meet and what they are going through, so we try to be cordial and gracious. this is Bigmama's Tours story, I am Bigmama and I absolutely love what i do.
I'm not alone either, but I have a team of people that also love what they do and in this joint effort we try to bring an experience like none other. its been almost 16 years and we wont have it any other way.